Friday, June 23, 2017

The Empowered Wife by Laura Doyle: An Honest Review

Hi Guys! 

Dawn here. :) For today's blog, I am going to be giving an honest review of the book The Empowered Wife by Laura Doyle. I saw an interview that Red Ice Radio did with the author and I was intrigued enough to buy two of her books. The other book that I bought is titled The Surrendered Wife. I have just started reading it and if there is enough interest, I will review that one next! 

On to the review. 

First of all, I would like to say that most of her advice on having a good marriage is common sense. Don't nag your husband, don't criticize him, and respect him were three main points that I took away from the book. Most women know not to nag or criticize already, but sometimes it's really good to have a reminder because we may not know that we are doing them! 

I really love the enthusiasm in the writing, and I believe that she is truly passionate about ending world divorce. In the book, she outlines 6 skills that women can adopt in order to have a 'playful, peaceful, and intimiate' relationship with their husbands. I don't think all of these skills will necessarily work for every single couple, but I also don't think that any of them have the ability to hurt, either. I would encourage every woman who reads my blog to read this book and play with the ideas within in order to see if they work for them. Another thing I enjoyed about the book was that she used examples from many women who had put the 6 skills into practice and shared the results that they got with their husbands. This helped drive the message home on how to apply the skills and how effective they are. 

She is a big advocate for self-care and she asserts that it would be a good idea for wives to make time for themselves three times a day to make themselves happy. This piece of advice definitely makes sense, because if you are so busy taking care of everyone else that you neglect yourself, you can get frazzled and short-tempered. If you are in a good mood from having relaxed with a book or a hot bath, you are less likely to enter into avoidable arguments with your spouse. 

There is one really good exercise that she includes in the very end of the book that I personally loved. She said to write down all of the reasons that you love your husband. At first, I struggled to think of anything besides the fact that he's funny, smart and caring but when I really started to think about it, things just kept pouring out. At the end, I came up with 25 unique reasons why I love my husband and my feelings were so strong in that moment that I started crying. Tears of happiness, of course. I am going to let him read the list when he gets home, but I am keeping it as a daily reminder of why I married him. 

I do have one criticism of the book, and that is the fact that she claims that men love women more than women love men. I certainly can't know how she feels, but I know that I love my husband a great deal, so I take...issue with the fact that she would say the he loves me more than I love him. 

Other than that one little claim, I absolutely enjoyed the book and I think that every woman aspiring to be a traditional wife should read it. 

Thanks for listening to my ramblings. 


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