Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Hello there

Hi guys! 

This is my first official post for the Domestic Dawn blog. :) 

I wanted to start by introducing myself and talking about why I decided to make this blog. So, here goes. 

Hello there, my name is Dawn. I am a 22 year old housewife to an incredible man. I met him when I was 18 and we got married when I was 20. We've been married for a year and a half now and I couldn't be happier. 

I didn't always want to be a housewife. Right up until the age of 18, I thought I was going to be a massage therapist. From 18-19, I thought I was going to be a social worker. And then from 19-21, I was convinced I was going to be a doctor. I didn't know what kind yet, but I was determined to go to medical school. You see, my husband and I had decided early on that we weren't going to have kids. We were going to be DINKS (dual-income no kids) and our goal was to get as rich as possible, while still doing what we loved. 

I have always wanted to help people. I started out giving my mother back massages because she had kidney stones, and it progressed to me giving out herbal tea to my entire neighborhood when they were sick. People from my small cul-de-sac would knock on my door when they had the sniffles and I would always be delighted to make them my special tea (it was just rosemary, crushed mint, and a bit of honey.) 

So medical school it was. That is, until my husband and I changed our minds about having kids. I had always been on the fence about it. If my husband wanted them, then we would have them and if he didn't, then I was just content to have him. As time went on and the more we talked about it, the more I wanted them. 

That's when the war started in my mind. Should I pursue medical school and have kids at the same time? When would be the best time to have them? As most people know, the process to becoming a doctor is not an easy one. There's the four years of undergrad, four years of medical school, and then depending on what specialty you choose, two to seven years of residency. By the time I got out of school, I would be 32. 

If I were to have children, what kind of time could I dedicate to them? Especially with my husband working as an engineer. I couldn't stand the idea of someone else raising my kids. As selfish as it is, I couldn't imagine someone else seeing my child's first smile, first laugh, first steps...while I was away studying or doing my clinic hours. 

I'm not saying that you can't go to medical school and have children at the same time. I know that if I put in the effort, I could do it. The thing is, I don't want to. I feel that having children that I can spend a lot of time with is more important to me right now. 

My husband and I have both decided that I am going to stay home and relax for a few months before we start trying to have children. I really want to provide the best environment for my baby, so I am going to be focusing on eating healthy and exercising. The purpose of this blog was to give me a space to talk about what I love about staying home, what I don't like, and everything in between. I also wanted to talk about any tips that I learn about cooking, cleaning and DIY projects that I happen to pick up along the way, so if that is of interest to you, stick around. The best has yet to come. 

Thanks for listening. 
